Little Flower Family Practice - About Us


Little Flower Family Practice

 Mission Statement


The ultimate goal and purpose for a Family Medicine Office can be stated in just three words:

To Help People

The promotion of wellness and health maintenance is the cornerstone of our relationship with our patients. This is our focus along with the management of chronic conditions and service to those who are sick or troubled. We are committed to providing lifelong quality, compassionate care to the entire person and family.


History of the Little Flower Building


The building that houses Little Flower Family Practice has a rich history. It was the private home of Dr Harry Schuffell, an OB/GYN doctor who donated it to the Sisters of Charity of Saint Augustine in 1927. The sisters opened it as Little Flower Children's Hospital and it remained at this location for 25 years. After Little Flower Children's Hospital and the sisters moved to the new location of Timken Mercy Hospital, the home donated by the Timken family in the early 50's, the building became physician offices. Dr Johns opened his practice in one of the offices in August of 1985. He has moved around in the building but has remained at this location. In the mid 90's Dr Johns connected the main house with a separate office building next door and took the name Little Flower Family Practice in honor of the childrens hospital that had been here years before.


The name "Little Flower" is a reference to Saint Therese of Lisieux. She is the patron saint of sick children.


Website Vision


Our website is designed to offer a reference for any information you may want to find related to healthcare. We have links to information on health and diseases. We also have information on the practice of healthcare and changes, from federal and state legislation to insurance regulation. We want to offer a place for you to find unbiased information on the coming changes in healthcare!